Ilaria Cinelli
Ilaria Cinelli has B.Eng. and M.Eng. in biomedical engineering from University of Pisa, Italy. She is a final year PhD student at the National University of Ireland in Galway, Ireland.
She has one year of training in ionizing radiation on paediatric computed axial tomography protocols. She also spent two years as a research assistant at the Centre of Human and Aerospace Physiological at King’s College, in London, where she worked on computational modelling of VIIP (Vision Impairment and Intracranial Pressure) and on the Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit.
The Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) and Life Sciences and Biomedical Engineering Branch nominated her as a finalist for the AsMA JM Space Medicine Association Young Investigator Award, in 2013. She was also the winner of the David Clark Company's Research and Development Innovation Award.
In 2015, she completed the Commercial Space Executive Leadership Training and intensive weightlessness training for astronauts. In 2016, she was elected Secretary of the Aerospace Human Factors Association, constituent association of the AsMA.
After her first mission with MDRS Crew 158, Ilaria was selected as Commander of MDRS Crews 172 and 185. In addition to these roles, she was selected as the Emerging Space Leader by the Mars Society. Ilaria also joined the Poland Mars Analogue Simulation by Space Generation as a Mission Support member and back-up astronaut.
Ilaria has been featured HBO, French TV, Irish Times, Engineers Ireland, Rai TV, La Repubblica, Le Monde, the IEEE Pulse, along with many other media outlets.
She has been an Invited Speaker at the IEEE EMBC EMBS, in both 2017 and 2018, as well as at the University of Southampton, the University of Pisa and TEDxPadova.
Ilaria is actively performing space medicine research with a focus on terrestrial applications. Her favourite motto is “Life in Space is for Life on Earth!”.

Avishek Ghosh
Executive Officer
Originally from Kolkata in West Bengal, Avishek's interest in space has grown steadily from his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut. This enthusiasm for human space exploration has driven his professional and educational endeavors.
Avishek began his professional education by earning an undergraduate degree in Physics from an Shobhit University, in India. He continued his studies at France's International Space University (ISU), where he earned a Masters in Space Studies. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Additive Manufacturing Capabilities of Metamaterials at Loughborough University, in the United Kingdom. His current research focus is on the utilization of in-situ resources for the development of lunar architecture.
Avishek's research experience includes time as a Research Scholar at NASA's Ames Research Centre. He has also served as a Citizen Scientist-Astronaut for the Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere (PoSSUM) project. He also actively supports STEM education by volunteering for organizations like the Dr. Kalam Initiatives.
During his time as Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) Crew 185's Executive Officer, Avishek will also be conducting research relevant to his field of study as a Crew Engineer. In addition to this research, Avishek is excited to represent India as an international participant at the MDRS.

Arno Passeron
Crew Engineer
Arno Passeron is pursuing a Master of Science in Engineering at École polytechnique, Paris-Saclay University in France.
In addition to his studies, Arno has actively contributed to the advancement of aerospace technology. He has completed research on aerothermodynamics at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). He is currently developing a Martian space suit prototype along with fellow MDRS Crew Engineer Thibault Paris, students from École polytechnique, and members of the French Mars Society: Association Planète Mars.
Arno brings several practical skills to Crew 185's mission. His experience in his institution's workshop has imparted an ability to fix rapid prototyping technologies such as 3D printers, laser cutting machines, and microcontrollers. Additionally, Arno's several months of military training adds experience in completing difficult missions in rough terrain as well as skills such as first aid.
In his free time, Arno enjoys practicing volleyball and hiking in the French Alps.

Thibault Paris
Crew Engineer
Thibault is pursuing a Masters of Science in Aerospace Engineering at École Polytechnique, France's leading Engineering school.
He is currently leading the development of a 3D-printed Martian spacesuit prototype with six of his colleagues and the Association Planète Mars (the French Mars Society). Last summer, he worked for ArianeGroup, where he helped to improve the production of composite pieces for the Ariane 5 rocket.
Thibault has served six months as a Second Machine Officer on a French Navy ship. In this position, he was responsible for ensuring the reliability of certain mechanical components of the ship. This experience has prepared him to utilize his technical expertise under stressful conditions.
Thibault's role in developing his institution's FabLab has imparted significant experience with rapid prototyping technologies, such as 3D Printing and Laser cutting. His interest in origami and model-making has helped him utilize these technologies in innovative ways.
Thibault has given talks on the X1 suit prototype in the United States, France, and Austria. He is also an active member of his institution's Student Space Center.
In addition to playing badminton, Thibault enjoys the performing arts. He is a percussionist in the Symphonic Orchestra of the Plateau of Saclay, the vice president of the musicals club at École Polytechnique, and practices both swing and waltz styles of dance.

David Murray
Crew Biologist and Green Hab Officer
David earned a Bachelors of Science in Biology, with an emphasis on Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, from Western Washington University.
David's research experience includes work on reptile physiology and ecology in the Alvord Desert of southeast Oregon. He also has three years of experience growing plants using the Deep Water Culture method of hydroponics.
David's research interests include the development of methods to increase crop yields and atmospheric carbon sequestration techniques.

Brandon Bushnell
Health and Safety Officer
Hailing from the United States, Brandon originally began his professional life as a Librarian. However, in 2013, he left this profession to pursue a career in medicine. After earning an undergraduate degree at a state university, Brandon completed a number of undergraduate science courses in hopes of attending a Physician Assistant program. Brandon has also completed training as an Emergency Medical Technician, as well as additional training in advanced emergency procedures. He has earned certifications including Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support, Advanced Wilderness Life Support, and Tactical Combat Casualty Care.
Brandon has accumulated professional experience in such diverse disciplines as Addiction Medicine, Primary Care, Obstetric Surgery, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Health Education, and Emergency Medicine. Brandon is currently employed as a Occupation Health and Safety educator for a private company in Virginia. In addition to his primary work, Brandon also serves as an EMT for a local EMS agency.
As a long-time Mars enthusiast, Brandon is both honored and thrilled to have been chosen for an MDRS crew. He looks forward to supporting the research of his crew mates along with ensuring their continued health and safety.